Conferencia: Digital Video Reporting to Inspire and Engage Students. 25 de enero a las 12:00 ETSID

Conference: Digital Video Reporting to Inspire and Engage Students

25 de Enero a las 12:00 Salón de Grados ETSID

pONENTE: Peter Willmot. School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University, UK. Higher Education Academy International Scholar.

1. Previous necessary knowledge: This seminar is appropriate for any instructor who teaches through group projects. No specialist knowledge is needed.

2. Objectives: Making learning challenging and more inspirational for students is highly topical and many are seeking new ways to do this. The seminar will introduce a novel method of injecting additional motivation into group projects

3. Contents: Presentation, followed by a facilitated discussion. The seminar will show examples of how students have been encouraged to learn while creating their own audio-visual media as a replacement for the more conventional written or oral report.

4. Methodology: Using survey data, collected over several years at two separate UK universities, the presenter will provide evidence that this medium generates much needed engagement, helps teams to bond and promotes a deeper understanding of the subject matter. A specially prepared ‘toolkit’ will be available to assist and encourage lecturers who might wish to try out this method for themselves.

Total Hours: 1